General assembly of Guiding Architects in Budapest, 22-25 February 2018

General assembly of Guiding Architects in Budapest, 22-25 February 2018

ga budapest

The Annual Guiding architects Meeting takes place every year in one destination of the worldwide network. It’s a very important chance to meet and discuss together all the results previously achieved, establishing goals for the next years. Budapest was chosen by the members to hold the meeting in 2018 It started on February the 22nd and ended up on February 25th. It was held in Fuga Bupadest Center of Architecture. FUGA’s primary message: architecture is an integral part of culture. By showing contemporary artists’ works from various fields we hope to strengthen the connection between architecture and related arts. It is our aim to make the audience for the arts and culture feel at home at the Budapest Center of Architecture.

See you next year in Granada!