von movenice | Apr 8, 2022 | News
Am 8. April 2022 wurde mit einem großen Festakt der nördliche Flügel des Markusplatzes wieder eröffnet – oder eigentlich müsste man sagen: erstmals eröffnet. Die Procuratie Vecchie waren als Amts- und Wohnsitz der Procuratori, engsten Dogenmitarbeitern, vor 500 Jahren errichtet worden. Ab 1832 ließ sich die Versicherungsgesellschaft Generali hier nieder und somit war das Gebäude nie der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Das hat sich nun geändert. Denn in das Dachgeschoss ist...
von movenice | Mar 4, 2019 | News
Anlässlich des Architekturfestivals Zodchestvo in Moskau, hat Clemens F. Kusch die russische Ausgabe des “Architekturführers Venedig” vorgestellt. Sein Vortrag ist zu sehen auf: ...
von movenice | Mar 28, 2018 | News
The Annual Guiding architects Meeting takes place every year in one destination of the worldwide network. It’s a very important chance to meet and discuss together all the results previously achieved, establishing goals for the next years. Budapest was chosen by the members to hold the meeting in 2018 It started on February the 22nd and ended up on February 25th. It was held in Fuga Bupadest Center of...
von movenice | Feb 28, 2017 | News
The Annual Guiding architects Meeting takes place every year in one destination of the worldwide network. It’s a very important chance to meet and discuss together all the results previously achieved, establishing goals for the next years. Venice was chosen by the members to hold the meeting in 2017 and MOVEnice Team took the opportunity to show its colleagues before and after the core meeting the city highlights and...
von movenice | Nov 8, 2016 | News
On November the 10th, we will guide a visit to the Teatrino Grassi for the group Delegazione FAI...
von movenice | Oct 27, 2016 | News
On November the 15th and the 16th MOVENICE will guide the little primary school pupils to the Querini Stampalia for an architectural lab dedicated to Carlo Scarpa! The tour will be guided in...
von movenice | Oct 27, 2016 | News
On June 15th MOVENICE visits with its members works by Carlo Scarpa and Tadao Ando realized in the heart of Venice: Foundation Querini Stampalia, Olivetti Shop and Museum Punta della Dogana. The tour is offered by...
von movenice | Oct 27, 2016 | News
The 15th International Architecture Exhibition, titledREPORTING FROM THE FRONT, is curated by Alejandro Aravena and organized by La Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta. The exhibition is open to the public from Saturday May 28th to Sunday November 27th 2016 at the Giardini and the Arsenale. The International Exhibition The Exhibition REPORTING FROM THE FRONT is laid out in a unitary exhibition sequence from the Central Pavilion (Giardini) to the Arsenale, and includes 88 participants...
von movenice | Oct 27, 2016 | News
First constructed in 1228, and located at the foot of the Rialto Bridge across from the fish market, the Fondaco dei Tedeschi is one of Venice’s largest and most recognizable buildings. It was used as a trading post for German merchants, a customs house under Napoleon, and a post office under Mussolini. Depicted by Canaletto and other masters, and photographed countless times as the impressive but anonymous backdrop of...
von movenice | Oct 27, 2016 | News
On November the 19th, we will offer a guided tour at the Arsenale, the core exhibition of Reporting from the Front in the Corderie. Meeting point at 2:45 at the Entrance. Visitors just need to provide their Biennale tickets and become members of our Association ( 5-euro/each), which are not included in our free service.RESERVATION REQUIRED . Book your place sending an e-mail to...